Monday, October 29, 2012

The Bounty Abandoned

The crew of the HMS Bounty had to abandon ship during Hurricane Sandy. Of the 16 member crew, 14 have been picked up by the Coast Guard after taking to the lifeboats. Two are still missing. Earlier reports had said that there were 17 crew members.

The ship had been on route from Connecticut to St. Petersburg, Florida and had tried to go around the storm.

The last anyone knows, the ship was still intact and floating.

The ship was built for the 1962 movie Mutiny on the Bounty. It was supposed to have been burned at the end of production, just as the original was, but star, Marlin Brando, refused to finish the movie unless the ship was preserved.

It has been in a number of other movies since then including PoTC: Dead Man's Chest.

I went through it last Summer when it participated in Opsail 2012. A crew member admitted to me that the copy is a bit bigger than the original in order to accommodate the film crew.

UPDATE: The 15th member of the crew was found but did not survive. She was Claudene Christian, age 42 and a relative of Fletcher Christian from the original Bounty.

Captain Robin Walbridge has not been recovered yet.

The ship itself sank in 18 feet of water and its masts are still visible. Hopefully it can be raised.

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